Monday, November 9, 2009

Cochin (കൊച്ചി)

Cochin is also a very nice place in Kerala. Last year I visited Federal Bank - one of our banking and joint venture partners in IDBI Fortis. It has a for Portugues and Dutch interesting history. The Portugues were the first Europeans to arrive here, Fort Cochin was even the first European settlement in India! Famous Portugues pirate explorer Vasco da Gama is buried here. After some time the Dutch kicked the Portuguese out and sold Cochin to the English. Some pictures:

The Chinese fishing nets (yep, the Portugese were speedy but the Chinese were here some centuries before) with my Hong Kong colleague Alain Wong.

The VOC had its offices here.

The Dutch Palace (constructed by the Portugues - but the Dutch made nice arrangements with the local kings, enlarged the building and let the royal family use it, diplomacy avant la lettre!).

This was the nice, little Saj Earth resort were I stayed arriving from Singapore before we went of for Munnar a week ago.


Anonymous said...

waaauw zeker niet verkeerd!!

Anonymous said...

També é por causa de uns ultrapassados "florinzitos", darem um suposto pontapé(!?) nos portugueses para venderem aos "bifes",não resulta numa bonita fotografia final. Fantásticos "queijos"!
Os Menezes

Anonymous said...

O VOC é o sinal mais acabado do es-
pírito mercantilista dos "Dutchs"!
Pelos vistos, foi a única "coisa"
que deixaram no Hindustão !Ah,Ah,Ah!...
Saudades dos Milos .

Anonymous said...

COCHIM . Só para o gozo!Foi assina-do um Tratado de Paz Luso-Holandês
em 1526 após a morte de Vasco da
Gama. Apesar disso,os Dutchs,á fal-
sa fé, apossaram-se de Cochim pela
força!Viviam cerca de 6000 Portu-
gas que se mantiveram e deixaram descendência!Assim como lá estão I-
grejas,Conventos,Missões,Santa Ca-
da Misericórdia e montes de Escolas
Do "Historiador" Milo .