Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rough sea

Today all the Mumbaikers are stressed; there are very strange weather conditions. Normally weather forcast in Mumbai is very simple: it is hot, humid and rains in June, July, and August (monsoon). The rest of the year it is hot, humid and dry. After February till monsoon: it is very hot.

But today it is not (so) hot and it rains. Tropical storm Phyan (a rare phenomenon at these coast) has hit India, just a bit south of Mumbai. Not something like a tyfoon or real storm, but enough to send staff home, close schools and government offices, ...

It was a nice opportunity for Ivone to make some photos of the sea and the eagles. Enjoy!


DMF said...

Aqui o Guincho deve estar pior que isto, hoje (um dia calmo), e na praia de Moledo as vagas devem ser pr'aí do dobro. Vai matando saudades, mana!

Anonymous said...

Onde é que eu já vi destas gaivotas
Só falta o frio e o mar bravo para
parecer Viana, Caminha ou Den Hag !
De qualquer modo, já ficamos a sa-
ber que também há gaivotas na Ín-
dia!!!(vale a boa intenção do fotó-
grafo)! Tudo nos serve de análise e
nos coloca mais perto de vós . Man-
dem,mandem sempre o que tiverem !!!
Saudades dos Papás Milo e Milú .