Sunday, November 8, 2009

Melissa in Florida

A picture of Melissa (with Max, a friend also playing tennis) in Florida (we are still waiting for all the other pictures, especially those of Haloween). Nice tan they have, haven't they? Christmas Melissa will spend (with us) in India! Great, we look very much forward to it. Especially as she can correct my Dutch English in these blog entries ... English is one of her best subjects!


DMF said...

Dear Melissa: we miss you and it would be great if you could send some photos (and words) for us to see your great look and your progresses.
Big hug from Portugal! Dina, Miguel, Constança, Vicente e Miguel Maria.

Anonymous said...

Uauuu Lissy!!!! Que bonita estás!
Muitas saudades e beijinhos de Aveiro.

Anonymous said...

Olá Méli ! Que bonita que estás!Tão
queimada e com Ar de tanta Saúde !
Manda mais fotografias para os Avós
se deleitarem! Muitos beijinhos...