Saturday, May 18, 2013

Anniversary Celebrations in Veere

Crossing the water works of Zeeland on my trip from Amsterdam to Veera, I contemplated on how many storms a marriage of 50 years has to endure before it's celebrated. It needs an extraordinary sized bottle of champagne for sure, good friends next to family, and a nice meal. All ingredients were present and we had a good time. It was nice to see all those pictures of long years back and share memories of later years. Once more, many congratulations!

Time for champagne!
With Bart and Mariska

At dinner
In the streets of Veere

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great SURPRISE !!! It's a long time since we saw Riet and Peter, and the photos are excelente
for us. We like very much to see them with good health and happiness
with Bianca and Pjotr. We wish all
you many felicitys with kisses and
embraces from Maria da Luz and Camilo .