Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Going WILD

Sunday we traveled to Guwahati in Assam, the North East tip of India, behind Bangladesh and close to China and Burma. It's a long way from Bombay; first flying to Calcutta and then on a plane to Guwahati, total trip of about 5 hours. In Guwahati IDBI Federal has a branch which we visited. From there we drove (another 5 hours) to Kaziranga National Park, the place in the world to spot the rhino in the wild!

Early Monday (5:30 am ...) we went off on our safari; spotting the rhinos from the back of an elephant. And we saw many, even with babies. After the elephant safari and breakfast we went on a jeep safari. It was marvelous! Many, many animals we saw like rhinos, elephants, kingfishers, swamp deer, water buffaloes, pelicans, otters (we spotted a group of about 15), eagles, etc. etc. The only animal we missed was the tiger ...

park entrance
only wild cat I spotted ...
on our way with Rahul


Dina Matos Ferreira said...

Os comentários por aqui foram assim: "Olha os ténis da nike que a Bonô tem!" "O Menino parece transparente ao lado daquelas pessoas" "Olha ali um rinoceronte!!!"
Em suma: continuem a entreter-nos e a entreterem-se!

Anonymous said...

Vocês fizeram seguros antes de se meterem nessas aventuras?..ah,ah,ah! E aos indígenas tabém "impingiram" um segurito, não vão eles cair do animal?...Ai ricas viagens de negócios...!

Anonymous said...

Vocês não estão bons da "TOLA"!!!
Ali, à esquerda, está mesmo um RI-
E querem que o Milo não tenha insó-
nias ?