Friday, August 27, 2010

Sarah Lawrence: Camila arrived

This Tuesday we arrived in Bronxville, a beautiful town, half hour drive from Manhattan. It is in the middle of forest, nice one century old buildings, you would forget to be that close to New York. Here we will drop of Camila, from Saturday onwards she will be freshman at Sarah Lawrence College. And she is looking forward to it!

When we arrived Tuesday afternoon we couldn't resist to drive to Sarah Lawrence and have a look. We were quite astonished. The pictures don't really give a complete message. But imagine some Tudor buildings from the 20s, squirls hopping on the grass and you will understand. While we were welcomed and sitting in a wood panneled waiting room with fire place, we suddenly recognized the dean for foreign students who coincidently entered. We had a nice conversation with her in her room and felt almost like coming home.

Camila is going to fill a new blog with all her adventures around NY: it is about lipstick and city lights. I have added it to the list at the right. Saturday we will shoot some more pictures, for now these.

This is the building where Camila is going to live, it's called Hill House:

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