At some places almost 10 cm of water was pouring down today. The parking lot at the back of our office building was some kind of a swimming pool. The garden around and the entranceway to the house are a big mess; it is also quite stormy, one of the tall palm trees broke into two pieces. A big change with a week ago when I left for Hong Kong ...
One of the effects of monsoon is that all the debris that is dumped in the sea over the coarse of a year, is now returned to the city. The beaches are full of it. Today was in the newspaper that at a normal day 10 tons of rubbish is removed from Juhu Beach, in monsoon that is 250 tons. (It is also striking that the 10 tons is removed with 20 people, and the 250 tons with 50 people ...) What would happen with the 250 tons every day? Perhaps it is stored somewhere, to dump it into the sea again after monsoon?
Aguenta-te, J.B. Se vires que a coisa fica preta, mete-te no avião e anda para cá, onde está tudo calmo!!!!
Querido Menino, estou impressionado
com as Fotos! Não fazia ideia que o
nível das águas pluviais atigisse
essa "cota" e por tanto tempo ! Se
não se faz o escoamento para o Mar,
o problema pode ser sério, não?
Tu, como "Hollander", és um "ex-
pert" na matéria,e podes tomar as decisões mais acertadas. Para nossa
informação, vai mandando notícias
para nosso sossêgo.Um abraço do Milo.
Parece-nos assustador e nojento. Anda embora JB!
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