Saturday, October 17, 2009

Festival of Lights

These days Diwali (or Dīpāvali) is celebrated all over India, today is the third day and Monday it is the last day of a total of five days of celebrations. Huge amounts of fireworks are continously filling the sky. It is a big and important festival, for that you should compare it with Christmas and New Year celebrations in Europe.

Today is a day off (I have to work the odd Saturdays of every month!), Monday as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pois isso de trabalhares todos os sábados nos meses ímpares, parece-nos muiiitttooo maaaallll! Está aqui o meu marido a dizer :"Ah pois, é que para a Índia crescer como cresce é preciso trabalhar!" Mas...e então o sagrado descanso? Só as vacas é que são sagradas?
Já agora, as velinhas parecem-nos lindas!
Os Menezes