Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cats and Dogs

This morning was the Tolo 10 km Harbour Race at Taipo in the New Territories, not so far from the Chinese border. It's the second time I ran this race, last year Melissa joint to run the 4 km. But right now she is in Holland together with Ivone. Last year I ran it in 50'39". That time it was very warm and humid, to such an extend that Ivone had big blisters under both her feet.

Today it rained cats and dogs during the run (right now the sun is shining!). If Jeroen Meijers -colleague from work- had not joint me, I probably would have staid home ... Finish was in 47'01" (that's 12.8 km/h), not what I hoped for, but a nice time. Pictures to follow!

1 comment:

DMF said...

Menino, és o máximo!!! Continua nos teus runnings e manda notícias da Menina e da Melissa, ok?