Saturday, February 28, 2009

First snow in a year ...

Last week I first travelled to Bangkok, with a nice 35C a lot warmer than Hong Kong. From Bangkok the trip went to Tokyo. And in Japan it is winter ... Six degrees is a lot less than 35! But even better: yesterday it started snowing and not a little bit. The first snow in more than a year. Sometimes the cold brings back nice memories. Next year skiing again!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

4:38 !

Today was the marathon of Hong Kong. And I finished it in 4 hours and 38 minutes! It was very heavy and at some parts I was thinking: why don't I simply give up... Afterall, very proud and satisfied. Ivone asked when I'm going to run my next marathon: very wrong question at the very wrong moment. My collegue Jeroen Meijers was a great support, already before the start, but sure the last kilometers. He took some nice pictures, this is one of them.


Last week Ivone and I visited Mumbai; business and sightseeing combined. An amazing city... nothing to be compared with!
Poor, dirty, chaotic (especially the trafic), beautiful sites and buildings (even when they are not treated for years), collorful, new smells of all kind of spices, and wonderful food. Above all very, very friendly people, smiling, kind, and helpful. An amazing experience!